Priority Waitlist
Thank you for your interest in our Priority Waitlist
Pennock Village is a unique 55+ seniors housing retirement community, located just outside of Thunder Bay, Ontario, on Hwy #130 in Oliver Paipoonge Township.
Our Priority Waitlist is specified for individuals or couples who are ready to commit in applying for a Life-Leased Residential Unit at Pennock Village. By applying to our Priority Waitlist, you will be provided with a prominent selection opportunity in purchasing an available unit, in advance of the general public.
To be added to the waitlist, we kindly ask that you provide a refundable deposit of $1,000.00 payable to the overseeing not-for-profit corporation, N.W.O. Rural Christian Seniors Village Inc. Please also complete the Priority Waitlist Request Application, which will include your contact information. We will then prepare a PRIORITY AGREEMENT that outlines the steps forward.
Upon payment and confirmation, you will be placed on our waitlist in accordance to the order of applications received and deposits finalized. You will be contacted upon the opportunity to apply for purchasing a Life-Leased Residential Unit at Pennock Village.
Should your circumstances change and you wish to remove your name, simply notify us in writing and we will refund your $1,000.00 deposit within 30 business days. There will be no interest paid or offsets applied to your deposit.
Further questions can be directed to